'Fastest and most compact PROFINET encoder in the world'


With the compact PROFINET WDGA58F encoder with bus cover, the german company have designed the world’s smallest device for axial and radial direction.

This saves precious installation space. Extremely high load capacities ensure a long service life and reliable operation. In addition to the excellent mechanical properties  the latest electronic components and most up-to-date communication profiles and encoder profiles have been used. Thanks to new high-precision and high-dynamic technologies, these extremely robust absolute encoders with magnetic scanning can now be used in areas where, until now, only absolute encoders with optical technology could be used.

Technical Data:

Sensor data: Single-turn: patented QuattroMag® technology

Single-turn resolution: up to 65,536 steps/360° (16 bit)

Single-turn accuracy: ±0.0878° (≤ 12 bit)

Single-turn repeat accuracy: ± 0.0878° (≤ 12 bit)

Internal cycle time: 50 µs

Multi-turn: patented EnDra® technology no battery and no gear.

Multi-turn resolution: up to 43 bit

Interface: PROFINET-IRT (CC-C) V2.3

Device Profile: V4.1, Class 3, 4 Data Transfer: 100BASE-TX Cycle time: up to 125 µs Function: Multi-turn Code: binary, CW default

Programmable Parameter: Steps per revolution, counts of revolution, preset, scale, counting direction, MRPD, MRP, LLDP